Insert Tomorrow’s Day Of The Week

If today is Wednesday, insert the day Thursday into your ad copy

This feature is labeled as "beta" because it will be improved in the future. If you use a swap with this feature, it is stable and it will work forever, but the newer version will be easier to use.

To use this feature, just add {{betaTomorrow “Timezone Here”}}

swap text required for inserting the next day

Unfortunately the timezone needs and can’t automatically be generated based on where the user is. Here is a list of timezones that work.

PS. The reason this is a “beta” feature is because the team at Easy Landing is working on a less ugly way to make this work. If you have suggestions, please reach out:

Send us your suggestion by emailing us here

Inserting The Next Federal Work Day

Some services don’t do business on weekends or federal holidays. To accommodate this, there’s a similar piece of dynamic text.

{{betaFederalTomorrow “Timezone Here”}}

swap text required for inserting the next day ignoring weekends