
Easy Landing couldn't have been built without the help from both incredibly talented individuals and open source developers.

A massive thank you to Donnie Toivola, an absolute slayer in Google Ads and an incredibly supportive friend. Thank you for giving me the confidence to pursue this idea.

A special thank you to Tailwind CSS for an incredible utility CSS framework, and a great example of easy to use documentation.

Thank you to gqlgen, the absolute best GraphQL library for Golang out there. The whole team is excited to put our name on your “we’re using this in production.”

Our Tech Stack

Warning: Nerd Alert

We’re built with a Golang backend and Typescript-React front end, but CRUD is probably the most boring thing possible to talk about. Talking about business logic is where the tech stack really can shine.

Go was a great choice for us because there’s tens of thousands of lines involved in our core business offering. Having this strongly typed has been a major boost to productivity especially when it comes to refactoring.

Other reasons for us to choose Go are:

  • All the networking and server work is built right into the standard library
  • Backwards compatibility for the last ~10 years means there are many mature, feature stable, libraries
  • An awesome community

You’ll notice, speed isn’t listed here. Yes, speed is important, but productivity so much more so. In our case, if a language like Python was a better fit for us, we wouldn’t have had any qualms about just throwing more hardware at the problem and worry about optimizing bottlenecks later.

The ultimate goal with Easy Landing was to create an extensible platform for server side changes to be done on the fly and close to users. The result is an easy to maintain system composed of rules that can be applied to the raw pages in 0.0002 seconds or less.